Needle epilation

In our institute in Stuttgart we also offer needle epilation as a method of permanent hair removal*. The difference between this and our other methods is that with this method we do not work with light or laser, but with a very fine needle. As the light technologies are all based on the melanin effect, the effectiveness may vary depending on the technique and wavelength. In this regard, white and red hairs in particular are considered difficult to treat. This is not a problem with needle epilation, because here we work independently of the dyes and with electrical impulses.

The treatment
In needle epilation, each hair is removed with its root by inserting a sterile thin needle at the hair canal and moving it to the hair root. An electrical impulse is then delivered to the hair follicle, completely destroying the hair root. Afterwards, only the hair has to be removed with tweezers.
Fields of application
By working selectively on the individual hair, a targeted treatment can take place. Since the electrical impulses are sent directly to the hair root, the surrounding skin is not affected. This is particularly advantageous for tattooed areas of the body that cannot be treated with photoepilation. Also, this method is particularly suitable for small areas of the body.

Please note the following
Before the treatment
It is very important that the hair has a length of 2-3 mm before the treatment can take place. This is the only way to find the hair channel and remove the hair with tweezers after the treatment. In general, waxing or epilation should be avoided.
One needs several sessions to achieve a successful treatment. Since hair has a specific growth cycle, it must be treated in the active phase. Only here it has an active connection with the hair root. Through several sessions, we make sure that every hair has undergone permanent hair removal*.
After treatment
You should avoid heat or wetness, such as swimming pool visits, for up to 72 hours after the treatment. Likewise, sauna sessions are not recommended. In addition, you should avoid intense UV exposure for up to 6 weeks. For a period of 72 hours, we recommend avoiding cosmetic products.
If you are specifically interested in needle epilation, you can register your interest with us. We will inform you as soon as appointments for this technology become available.