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Permanent hair removal for men at BUTTOCKS & GLUTEAL FOLD

Achieve the best hygiene on every part of your body even at the buttocks and gluteal fold. The permanent hair removal* at Haarfreiheit in Stuttgart makes it possible.

Well groomed buttocks without hair

A well-groomed male buttocks stands out

Often, the male buttocks are something that many women notice first. Even though they are usually covered with pants in everyday life, there are plenty of situations where at least the buttock contour becomes visible, such as at the swimming pool.

Therefore, you should also place great importance on this part of the body. And where is the best place to start when it comes to a groomed male buttocks? That’s right, with the hair on the buttocks. Because hair removal on the buttocks contributes to a more groomed appearance and also avoids hygiene problems. Hair removal on the male buttocks can be done in various ways.

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Hair removal on the buttocks in men, but how?

Since the area of the buttocks and the buttock crease is very sensitive, the right method must be chosen. As this part of the body is very awkward to reach, waxing or shaving is not an option for most men. But how can one get rid of the colloquially called “ass hairs” on the buttocks to achieve smooth skin there?

Remove hair at the buttocks and look good

Forget about painful hair removal methods like waxing. Never suffer from cuts from shaving or irritated skin again. With permanent hair removal*, we offer you an optimal alternative, without any side effects. We have numerous methods of hair removal with light, such as SHR, diode laser or IPL. All of them provide perfectly smooth skin on the buttocks. Thus, you can feel comfortable and perfect every day with just a few sessions.

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perfekter Look für den Mann Stuttgart

Confident appearance

Hair on the buttocks disrupts daily life

It is entirely normal to feel a bit insecure when dealing with unwanted body hair. If there are still hairs on the buttocks, sitting regularly or the friction of underwear can lead to uncomfortable pinching. If the area is regularly shaved, ingrown hairs may occur. These, in turn, become inflamed. When you sit down, you quickly notice these inflamed hair follicles.

A new self-confidence with Haarfreiheit

But we want to restore your feeling of self-confidence. Whether above, below the waist, or in the buttock crease, our modern technologies permanently* free you from any unwanted hair. Feel secure and liberated thanks to painless hair removal on the buttocks and buttock crease.

Hygiene for the buttocks every day

Hygiene plays a significant role, especially in the region of the buttocks. Dirt particles can adhere to the hair here, causing skin irritations or other hygiene-related problems. You can fight against this by opting for permanent hair removal. The effort to keep this area clean and hygienic is significantly eased by removing bothersome hair. Thanks to the innovative XENOgel Technology, you can feel fresh and clean every day.

Get rid of buttock hair and enjoy complete freedom

Show off your buttocks perfectly and forget all worries about unsightly hair in this area. Enjoy your newfound freedom every day without having to worry about hair growth on the buttocks or in the buttock crease. Always well-groomed at all times is a feeling that allows every man to experience carefree living. Enjoy this freedom as well and have bothersome hair on the buttocks permanently* removed.

Diskretion Mann Fotosammlung

Discretion and best service in Stuttgart

The buttocks, especially the buttock crease, are very sensitive areas. If you wish to get rid of hair growth there but still feel a certain sense of embarrassment about treatment, this is entirely normal. After all, we don’t like to show this part of our bodies to just anyone. But rest assured, discretion is an important matter at Haarfreiheit. Feel safe and unburdened, and consider how much your comfort can improve when the hair in the buttock crease has permanently* disappeared. Schedule your personal and free consultation appointment with Haarfreiheit in Stuttgart right away.

Other body regions in a similar area

Is your issue with hair situated a bit higher in the area of the lower back? Before a medical intervention becomes necessary, we also offer preventive hair removal on the coccyx. Avoid complications and pain caused by ingrown hairs in this area and learn more about how it occurs and how hair removal with light or laser can help.


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